Monday, April 4, 2016

Judah is 11 Months

My littlest little is 11 months old, so close to 1 year. Every month bring so many changes and brings him more and more into his own little personality. This past month has been the most evident of how different he is from his brother, especially from how Curtis was at this age.
The biggest change this month is his constant climbing on everything. I don't know if it's just that Curtis didn't want to climb this early, or he just didn't have anyone to learn from. But Judah has definitely learned from Curtis and climbs on everything, the end table, the toy organizer, the bottom shelf of our accent table, the couch if he's really motivated, up the slide, up the steps, everything he can. He also is much more curious, or maybe just likes to mess in things more, I don't know. We have child locks on the kitchen cabinets, but he reaches in anyway and gets anything little he can get out, and anything that doesn't come out like Isaac's Nana's china or my glass pyrex measuring cups and picks them up and drops them. We've had to buy magnet locks to be installed soon. The other thing is I'm pretty sure this kid is gonna be nursing forever. Thankfully, he does fine without me and I think will eat and drink enough once I go back to work, but he demands to nurse when he's with me. Weaning has almost completely stopped because if he wants to nurse, and I'm holding him, he buries his face in my chest and pulls on my shirt and starts biting at me. If I set him down or turn him around or try and distract him and just screams, so I nurse him. Some days he follows my weaning schedule or not nursing unless it's before naptime, but most days, he is pretty demanding and I'm pretty sure me going back to work will exacerbate it more rather than make him wean. Which is fine, I had planned on nursing him till at least 18 months but hopefully by then he'll be ready to wean.
More and more, Judah and Curtis are becoming friends. Sometimes they'll sit for a minute and roll a car back and forth or Judah will chase Curtis around the kitchen. Curtis has started entertaining Judah when Judah gets upset, which is really cute. I love hearing them "talk" and laugh with each other. It's going to be a wonderful thing to watch over the next few years and their lifetime.

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