Thursday, June 29, 2017

New Home, New Life

We've been in NC for about a month now. We are slowly getting used to this new life, our new normal. I'm learning again how to live in a small town. Things move a little more slowly, people actually talk and have conversation with you, and when I say people, I mean perfect strangers. Neighbors just pop in. A 10 minute drive is actually a 10 minute drive, not 20-30 minutes. You go somewhere twice and they remember you from the first time, remember that your having a 3rd boy and just moved from Virginia. Small town life is definitely different than living in a city, I like it, though. It's how I grew up, and I love that we're giving our boys this life. They play in our front yard every day and are content with dirt and sticks and rocks as their toys. One of their favorite things to do is stand at the window and watch the wildlife in our yard. They're slowly learning what it's like to be country, or at least as country as they can living in a neighborhood. 
We're getting used to the new house, learning the quirks, learning how to take care of 2 boys in this house. Judah is slowly learning what he can and cannot do. I love most things about the new house, although there are a few things that are taking getting used to, like having the laundry in the basement, and the boys room right beside ours. But for the most part, I love it. I love that it's a little smaller, I love having a basement for most of our storage so we're not still surrounded by boxes. I love having a yard the boys can play in on a quiet street where I don't have to worry about cars racing past. I love the pond in the back. I don't get to enjoy it quite as much as I would like, but that will come as the boys get older.
We're adjusting to civilian life as well. Isaac is home for breakfast every morning and dinner/bath/bedtime every night unless he's travelling. He's home on weekends.We get to go to church together. He's not exhausted constantly. It's been a nice change.
The boys and I are doing pretty well too. Jacob is growing right on target. I'll be 35 weeks this weekend and am just hoping to make it to mid July so he's full term. I'm trying to take time to rest during the day to keep him in as long as possible, but it's hard with so much still to do around the house. His room is no where close to being ready, and it won't be when he comes. I'm trying not to let that drive me crazy, although we do have a good space for him in our room, so he does have a place to sleep. 
I'm getting used to the stay-at-home mom thing again. We have a routine. I've learned that's the only way I can keep some sort of saneness to our day. And making sure they have their naptime, so I can get some rest/work time in. We play with friends, go to the library, go explore the town, run errands. And the boys always have their outside time. I'm learning that I don't have to be their entertainer, they do just fine without me and I just don't have the energy. I'm also learning that when Jacob makes it so that I can't keep my eyes open, putting on a movie is just fine, so I can rest a bit.
All in all, it's been a pretty good start to a new life. I'm looking forward to what the next few weeks have in store with when Jacob makes his arrival.

Judah's in his dirt pile, his happy place, he could play every day here and never get bored

 Curtis is mastering the tricycle and loved it. This is his happy place, driving up and down the driveway

 I'm loving the blackberry bushes left by the previous owners. I've been getting fresh blackberries almost daily. I'm having to restrain myself and freeze them so I can actually do sometime with them other than immediately eat them

 This is my favorite spot. Isaac and I like sitting out here, although since it's pretty far  away from the boys room and the monitor doesn't reach, we don't get to do it often.

 Baxter is loving the new life too, always new things to check out, squirrels and rabbits to chase