Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Judah is 9 Months

Today my Little Man is 9 months old. Every time I turn around it seems like time just speeds up and changes everything. Part of me wants to slow it down, but part of me loves these new stages of independence he is gaining. He crawls like a champ, pulls up on everything and walks some on the furniture. He loves his big brother so much and just wants so badly to play with him. He follows Curtis around a lot, even sometimes, in his own infant way, tries to comfort Curtis when he's sad. Curtis does not always want to play with him and in typical older brother fashion, kind of terrorizes him, laying down on him, pulling him down to keep him from following, and putting all of the toys in the pack n play to keep Judah from playing with them. We're working on the mutual love thing. But it's wonderful to see that they are beginning to work on a friendship. Judah still doesn't sleep through the night, but has given me a few nights of waking only once, which is a much welcomed break from 2 or 3 times. He has 6 teeth now which makes nursing interesting to say the least. He loves food and his puffs. He eats most things I put in front of him, which is a relief. He's learning to occupy himself some, not needing me to play with him or not needing me to hold him all the time. These are the stages of independence I am loving. After seemingly, having a baby on my hip for over 2 years, it's nice to have a little break and I love watching him explore his world and learn and discover new things. He loves being outside and today, really enjoyed playing in the dirt. He does eat just about anything he sees on the ground or floor which has been bad a few times, causing some gagging and throwing up, but I've learned to fish things out of his mouth and hands if I catch it in time.
We're another month closer to 1 year and it doesn't even seem possible that I'm going to have 2 toddlers soon. I follow a blogger who calls her toddler sons The Vandals because they terrorize her house. I kind of think that once Judah can walk and the boys can really start to be friends, that will be there nickname as well, because, independently, they get in to everything. I can only imagine what the next year will bring when they can pal around and get in to even more. But I can't wait to see!

I did Curtis' 9 month pictures in his Papa Creeds hat and daddy's tie. Now it's Judah's turn. The 2 boys look nothing a like, but I do love the pictures. One thing they had in common, they both hated wearing the hat!

This is Curtis' just to compare