Sunday, November 13, 2016

Curtis' Birthday Party

Last week we celebrated Curtis' birthday party. I love that his birthday falls around Halloween so the kids get to wear their Halloween costumes, such a great built in theme :) We had a lot of fun celebrating our sweet boy!

Curtis enjoying his cupcake batter after helping me make his cupcakes

 Curtis loved being The Flash

 Judah loves being T-rex

 Jeremiah is one of Curtis' favorite people. It's a lot of fun watching them play together.

 This is one of Judah's favorite places

 Alice is one of Curtis' other favorite people :)

 Curtis got some Curious George books and immediately started reading them. 

 Curtis got a little sad, this is what made him happy.

 We realized Curtis is definitely ready for a toy gun, he had so much fun playing with Jeremiah's

 A sweet group picture, The closest to them looking, it's kind of hard with 5 kids.

 The one good picture where we were all looking

 The real life picture

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Judah is 18 Months

Judah turned 18 months last week. And since last week was so crazy, I'm just now getting a chance to write about him.
Judah is my crazy, wild, fun-loving, loud, always moving child. He climbs on everything, although I finally don't have to constantly monitor him at the table, unless he's trying to get to the flowers or whatever is on the table. He speaks at 2 volumes, loud and screaming. He runs everywhere he goes, which usually ends in a face plant, but he bounces back pretty quickly from it. He seems to eat most of the day, pretty content when he's walking around with some type of food in his hand. He loves trucks and balls and dirt. He loves his big brother and rarely laughs as loud as when his brother is making him laugh. Baxter is his best friend, and puts up with a lot from him. He gets incredibly excited every time Isaac walks in the room. He is such a joy and I love that he is part of our family! It's been a lot of fun to see him come into his personality.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Curtis Turns 3!!

My biggest little turned 3 years old today. This kid is such a joy in our house. He laughs all the time, most of the time at himself. He likes to eat his food pretending to be a tiger or an elephant or a dog. He is fascinated with animals, and loves dogs. He loves preschool and going to see Mrs. Rhonda. He loves his friends and asks to go see them every day. He loves cars and balls and dirt. But he's cautious and tells Baby (Judah) to be careful. He's compassionate and kind, loves to cuddle or comfort when someone's sad. He has a servant's heart, always wanting to help, whether it's with cooking, feeding Baxter, cleaning the dishwasher, or even picking up his toys. He loves his Daddy  and looks so forward to when he can see him every day. One of his most favorite things to do is make his little brother laugh and no one can bring laughter out of Judah like Curtis can. He has a big personality, with big opinions and is not easily swayed form those opinions. While that can be frustrating as he's learning how to deal with that, it's my prayer that God redeems that into a man who is not easily swayed, a man who stands up for what he believes, a man who refuses to back down when he's fighting for what is right. I am so thankful that God made me his Mama and I'm looking forward to what this next year brings.