Tomorrow is the anniversary of Roe vs. Wade. Since the infamous verdict in 1973, there have been over 54 million abortions performed legally in the United States. 54 million government approved murders. 54 million babies dead. Roughly 27 million girls legally killed, 27 million boys legally killed. Please, let that sink in. 54 million children have been killed while we sit around and allow it to happen. This is a tragedy.
For most of the American people, January 22nd means absolutely nothing. It's just another day. For some, it's a day to celebrate, but for those of us who fight for life, it's a day to mourn. Tomorrow, I will mourn for every one of those lives. I mourn for the mother's who so regret their decision to murder their babies. I mourn for the mother's who live with addictions and depression and are haunted by the memories of the choice they made. I mourn for the mothers who were forced in to that decision, whether by a husband, their own mother or father, or their own tragic circumstances where they didn't see any way out. I mourn for the father's who didn't have a choice in the matter because they were told it wasn't their life, wasn't their uterus, wasn't their choice to make. I mourn for those father's who's hearts break on the anniversary of their baby's death because they so wanted that child. I mourn the grandparents who begged their daughter's to not abort their grandchild but they chose to anyway. I mourn for the empty arms and empty cribs. 54 million.
Those of us in the church, we are not innocent. Do we open our doors to the young, single pregnant woman who comes in, looking for love, looking for acceptance, looking for help? Or do we judge her for what she chose to do. Do we judge women who, in the past chose abortion, but now are silent and hurting, dying inside because they don't know who to turn to with the pain of what they chose?
Church, our job is to love these women where they are. Jesus did not tell us to go fix ourselves and then come to Him. He said, "Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." We are to introduce this Jesus to the women who come seeking help. They need to know that we don't judge them. They don't have to be perfect or clean, or whole to come to Jesus. They just need to have an open and desperate heart. Judging them, turning them away, trying to cover up or hide their sin, that's not what Jesus did in the Bible and it's not what we should do.
We are at a crucial time in our nation's history. The veil has been lifted from the abortion industry and people have begun to see the evil that's there. But the change will not happen in the legislature. Let me say that again. It doesn't matter who we vote for president. It doesn't matter who we vote for congress. The change will not come from our legislature. The change has to come form within the church. Christians, we are surrounded by a culture of death. Life is not valued, and the most vulnerable life is too easily discarded. We have to be the ones to stand up for that life. We have to be the ones to show women they are loved. To come along side young couples and help the to know they can have a child and raise a child and their lives will not end. We have to teach these young men and women how to grow up and take responsibility for the choices they made. And we have to value life. No Christian has an excuse. This is the most fundamental thing God has given us is life. Every Christian can do something, whether it's stand outside of a Planned Parenthood and loving on the women who go in, even if they go through with the abortion, or working/volunteering at a CPC in the clinic, stuffing envelopes, walking for life, in the call center, teaching parenting classes, or by adopting/fostering so the women who truly aren't ready to be mother's can still carry to term and give their baby life, donating to a CPC so they can continue to run. There are so many ways to stand up for life. Please, Christian, don't let another 1.2 million babies die without doing something to stop it. Now is the time.
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