Isaac has been on leave the past 3 weeks. I know that may seem like a lot to most people, but given Isaac's rotating schedule, constant sleep deprivation and rarely getting a full day off, much less a weekend (other than his 1 designated weekend a month), he has not really had time off since January. So for this leave, I have been eternally grateful.
It started off with a few days of just spending time with each other and the boys. We caught up on house stuff, cooked breakfast together, ate dinners together and Curtis was in Heaven having Isaac home all day to play with him.
Then Isaac's family came for a visit. It was the first time they got to meet Judah face to face. The visit was so much fun. The first few days, Lydia and Malakai were here. Curtis loved playing with Malakai and it was a lot of fun getting to spend time with our nephew and getting to know my sister-in-law a little better. We went to the zoo, played in the pool and got to experience Malakai's first time at the "ocean". It was really the bay, but close enough. Curtis loved the zoo, was really fascinated with the Tapir's and the bears. The giraffes became my new favorite, I think. Curtis did not love the beach, at all. This trip, he didn't even want to play in the sand. He spent most of his time cuddling with Nono or Isaac. But Malakai and my goddaughter Angela, they had a blast playing in the water, the waves, throwing sand at the waves and chasing birds.
After a few days, Lydia and Malakai went home, but Isaac's parents stayed. We went to the aquarium, and Jamestown on the days that were not too rainy. And the other days, we spent a lot of time just hanging around, playing. Isaac and his dad got a project almost done, which will be great b/c it'll finally help us organize the garage and maybe I'll be able to get my van in there. Curtis had so much fun playing with Nana and Nono. He even learned how to say their names. He actually seemed to learn a lot while they were here, including how to say "no", which has not been a fun thing. It's always fun to have Isaac's family here, especially since it is no longer easy to travel, now that we have 2 little ones, not that it was easy with just the 1, Curtis was not fun to travel with. I am thankful they all made the trip out to visit us.
This last week has been wonderful as well. It's rained much of the week, but we got to go to the mall to play with Curtis and today, with the wonderful flooding, we took the boys and Baxter outside to play in the water. Baxter had a blast chasing his ball, and it was hilarious to watch him figure out how to get it out of the water. He pranced, very daintily, it was pretty funny. Curtis, at first, was kind of shy about the water, but began running in and splashing his little feet in it. At one point, though, a car was about to drive through so I grabbed his hand, and like he usually does if I'm holding Judah, he sat down because he knows I can't easily pick him up. Well, this time, he sat in the cold water, he was not too happy about it. But maybe he finally learned his lesson...probably not, but I can hope.
We have just a few more days left, then Isaac will go back to work on Tuesday. I am cherishing these last few days. I love having my husband home, love having the extra help, love getting to spend nap time hanging out with him, love actually getting to go to bed at the same time and fall asleep by him, love getting hang out at night after the boys are in bed, love having our family breakfast together. It has been a wonderful 3 weeks and I will be sad to see them go, but I know we gotta get back to the real world one day.
Here's some pictures from out leave:
Curtis trying to help with breakfast, standing on the flour bucket
Malakai did so well with Judah
Judah enjoying some Auntie Lydia time
Curtis loved the Tapirs
Enjoying some Nana time
Judah loves Baxter and Baxter feels the same
So thankful for Nono and Nana being willing to give me break for always holding Judah
Curtis loves playing fetch with Baxter
Fun morning at the beach
Curtis did not like the water
Curtis had fun playing on the ship at Jamestown
He also had fun playing at the settlement
Curtis trying on my head phones for the gun range