Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Judah's First Week and Mother's Day

Judah was officially a week old yesterday and today, we have been home for a week with our Little Bug. It has been a busy and exhausting week. We are slowly learning how to be a family of four with an infant who requires feeding and holding and protecting from Big Brother and the dog, and a toddler who's still our Baby Boy and needs reassurance and love and protection from himself as he's learning to explore this big world. There's a huge learning curve. There have been many tears, on everyone's part but Isaac's. He's been the comfort and stabilizer for everyone. Curtis runs to him for comfort because he knows that more than likely I'm holding Judah and has figured out that I can't always hold him. I run to Isaac for comfort when both boys are screaming and I just don't know what to do. And I rely on Isaac to comfort Judah when I just really need to hold Curtis. Pretty much, Isaac is our super hero. I'm so thankful that he constantly displays love and servanthood and is the perfect man that God wanted for this family. He sacrifices sleep, eating, time for himself and pretty much everything else because he knows we need him now. I'm so thankful God put him in our lives to help through this transition time and really am not looking forward to him going back to work on Thur. 
The other thing I'm super thankful for: my parents. They stayed a few extra days after we came home from the hospital so both Isaac and I could get to know Judah and could sleep some and so Curtis would still get the love and attention that he needs. And mom is still coming back into the craziness to spend another 2 weeks once Isaac goes back to work. It amazes me how much they sacrifice to help us, but I am learning, that's just what you do for your kids. You constantly are dying to self, to take care of them and serve them. Mom and Dad have done that all my life and because of that, I have great examples of how to do that for my 2 little ones. I fail every day, but God is even using those failures to show me how much I have to rely on him to make it through the day.
All in all, my heart is full and our home is filled with love, along with the screams and tears. These 2 little boys that have been gifted to me are 2 of my most very favorite people and bring so much joy to my life. It's so wonderful watching Curtis grow up before my eyes, seeing the compassion and protectiveness and love that is slowly forming for his brother. And I love watching Judah, learning about him, getting to know him and how very different he is from his Big Brother. I love already seeing some of his little personality and learning what those differences are. I know the next few weeks will be hard as Isaac goes back to work and nights become all mine with Judah, but I know God will sustain us and eventually we'll find our new normal. In the mean time, I will work on having joy in every moment. 

Little Bug enjoying some time with Yaya

 Judah's first bath. He was so much calmer and handled it so much better than Curtis. He loved having his hair and face washed.

My Little Man, having fun on Mother's day playing at the park.

He thinks your suppose to always walk up the slide and then slide down.

A few newborn pictures.

Tried to get a picture of both the boys, this is how they all turned out.

This is one of my most favorite sights

 Judah did not like this picture very much.

The best Mother's Day picture I could get, right before Curtis scrambled out of my arms.

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