This week, I'm 32 weeks pregnant. When I was this far with Curtis, I just assumed I had another 2 months left. We went on our Babymoon at 32 weeks, not thinking anything could ever be wrong, assuming we still had quite a while of that pregnancy yet. We had no carseat, no stroller, no pack-n-play, no bassinet, his room was not even close to being finished.
With Judah, things are different. I guess I just expect to be early. I''m hoping for 5 more weeks, in fact Isaac promised me a pedicure if I made it to 37 weeks, especially since by that point, I will not be able to bend over and trim my nails or do my nail polish :) But 3 more weeks would be great. Curtis was born at 35 weeks and 2 days. I had been contracting for at least a week, if not longer, although I didn't know it. There was no pain, just a feeling of being uncomfortable. With this pregnancy, I'm more aware of things, especially anything possibly abnormal that could potentially indicate early labor. And we are preparing much earlier, just in case. We bought a van so I can fit 2 rear facing car seats, we bought a 2nd car seat, we're in the process of working on Curtis' knew room so Judah can have the nursery, although I know he'll sleep in our room for a few months. Thankfully, we have most of everything else we need, so we don't have to worry about sending someone on Judah's birthday to go buy everything for us. Next week, I'll pack a bag for myself and for Curtis so I won't have to think about that once the time comes to panic a little and I have several contingency plans in place just in case Isaac isn't here when I go in to labor.
And the biggest thing I think I'm doing to prepare, although I know it will never really be enough, is enjoying as much time with Curtis as I can. I know things will never be the same once Judah comes, and I'm looking forward to that. But a part of me will miss when it was just Curtis and me during the day, so we're going to the park, and going to the play place at the mall and having play dates and reading lots of books, and I'm letting him watch a little more TV cause that means I get to snuggle with him some, which is pretty much the only time we snuggle, because he's just too busy other wise. I am cherishing the last few weeks, or last 2 months, whatever it is God gives me and I am looking so forward to meeting this new little one that's been growing inside me for 32 weeks, that I've felt kick me and hiccup inside me and flip and stretch and do all sorts of things that I'm just not sure what it is going on inside there.
I am definitely looking forward to the adventure of having 2 littles, and somewhat scared, I'll be honest. But I'm praying God will instill a new sense of independence in Curtis so that I can take care of Judah the way I need to.
Whatever happens, though, I know it will be a fun ride, and I can't wait to watch my 2 boys grow up together and hopefully be best friends.
Curtis loves to stand in the window sill, especially if daddy is coming up the road, then run to the window and wait for him
Sadly, this ball got chewed up by Baxter, but it was one of Curtis' favorite
Eventually they'll be best friends
Curtis fed himself all his yogurt for the first time, all by himself. This was the result.
Curtis playing with his Uncle Keith, learning what a cow says. Now he walks around saying "Moo" all the time
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