Tomorrow is the anniversary of Roe v. Wade. To most people in our country, January 22nd is just another day. It means absolutely nothing and they will go about their normal lives. To some liberal feminist or liberal feminist supporters, it is a day to be celebrated, a day when women became completely liberated from any consequence of sex and they could finally become one step closer to being "equal" to men. To some moderate conservatives, they may read a news article about the day, think how horrible it is but not really care and go about their day like they normally would.
To me, and several other fighters for life, this is a day to mourn, a day to pray, and a day to look forward to one day living in a country where Human LIFE is important and valued and where the legal murder of babies is abolished. Sadly, I will not be joining the thousands of people of all ages, races and gender to support LIFE tomorrow at the March for Life rally in DC, but in spirit, I will be there. I will be praying that the media (other than FOX news) will cover the event. I will be praying for the hearts and minds of our congressmen and women, our judicial system and our White House to change. I will be praying for the hearts and minds of people all over our country to change, to become less callous, to see the evil holocaust which is abortion and want it to end.
Most people who probably read this know what I do, but just in case, a little back ground. I volunteer in a pro-life ministry. I am at the Crisis Pregnancy Center every week, working with the women of our city. Now, if you are of the liberal persuasion and see the term CPC, please don't automatically jump to the conclusions that Planned Parenthood would sell you. Yes, there are some horrible CPCs out there. They give misinformation. They do ultrasounds that should not be done. They do try all they can, through "pro-life propaganda" to convince a woman to carry her baby to term. I know they exist because I've seen the awful videos just like ya'll have. But let me tell you, most CPCs are nothing like this. Most of us exist because we love the women of our city and want the best for them. We love their babies and want them to live. We exist to do everything we can to give them a chance and show them that they are loved, whether they feel that way or not and to empower them to make the best choice they can for themselves and their baby. I go to the clinic and see the hurting women of our city who buy into lie after lie told to them by their boyfriends, their families, their schools, Planned Parenthood and other women's clinics. They believe their's no way they can have a baby and a career, no way to have a baby and get an education, no way to have a baby and maintain a good relationship with the father of the baby, their parents, their friends, no way to have a baby and have any quality of life after that. They buy those lies because it's what is constantly sold to them, that they can "easily" get rid of their problem with one simple procedure or just a few pills. What they don't ever think about is what happens after that. In the past few weeks I've had several patients who've had to go through counselling because of previous abortions. How is it a good thing, to tell women to get this procedure, their lives will be easier, and then they need professional counselling afterwards just to get through the day?
At our center, we love these women. We show them there is another way. I challenge every women who comes in to look past her fear, to look past her situation and to think long term. We do ultrasounds and show women the beautiful life inside of them to help them make the most informed decision possible. We do abortion education so if a woman does make the decision to have an abortion, she knows what she's getting into. We give factual medical information so that she knows what the procedure is, what the risks are and what her potential risks could be in the future. I don't try and brainwash my patients, I don't ever shame them for the situation they are in, but I do try and show them that there is another solution besides abortion. And then, no matter what decision she makes, we are there for her. We call and check on her. If she chooses to carry, we offer classes and give baby supplies. We can help find jobs and make sure she gets medical care. If she chooses to abort, we are still their for her. We still see her the next time she comes in pregnant. We still love on her and don't judge her decision.
I love what I do, it truly is a dream nursing job for me. It is heartbreaking a lot of the time, frustrating, and angering when I see so many hurting women of our city and sometimes I can't help them. I can't take away their pain, I can't fix things with their relationships, I can't make their life easier. But I can help them make a decision to not put themselves through a trauma they will potentially regret. That is what I love about the job. It is not easy, it's not always happy, I don't get to look at happy moms and babies all day, but the one woman I may reach every few weeks who chooses to carry her baby even through her difficult life circumstances, that is what makes going in worth it.
Now back to Roe v. Wade. That landmark decision is why I do what I do. Over 50 million babies are dead because of this decision in the US alone. 50 MILLION babies. Think about that. Just really. Stop and think. That number is a heart wrenching number to imagine. That is 50 million mothers and fathers who do not have those children. Many who remember the day every single year and mourn, many who are depressed, choose drugs, alcohol or some other thing of this world to cope and may not even realize what the reason is. Yes, people say if it weren't legal it would happen anyway in some back alley with a coat hanger. I don't know if that would be the case but I do know that it would not have been 50 million if it were illegal.
When will our country wake up and realize what it's done? When will we see the holocaust that we have legally brought and often celebrated. When will women see this is not healthcare, this is not for their benefit, this is not for their equality. There is nothing, NOTHING, good that has come from the legalization of abortion. And my heart breaks knowing that without God in this country, without His Holy Spirit speaking to the men and women of this country, it will continue because their is no moral compass to stop it.
But I am thankful for the few who are loud and who are willing make noise about this issue. I am thankful for the March tomorrow and pray that people will take notice. I am thankful for every woman who comes to our clinic and her heart is softened and changed to carry the LIFE inside of her. And I am thankful for the women I fight along with every week, in the hopes that one day, things in our part of this world will change.
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