Our Little Man is 7 months old today. I am amazed every time I write a blog how quickly time flies. It still seems like just yesterday the nurse was handing him to me. He was so incredibly tiny. And now, I wonder where did that tiny baby go. He's now this chunky, smiley, opinionated baby that barely even resembles that tiny miracle I held shortly after 7:20 seven months ago.
This seventh month has brought many new things with Curtis. He's starting to eat more and for the most part loves solid food. He has learned to screech very loudly and likes to entertain himself that way. He has learned to blow zerburts and will wake up doing that in the mornings. He is learning to crawl. He hasn't quite mastered it yet, but if he really wants something, he figures out a way to get it. Watching that is one of my most favorite things right now. And he has 4 teeth, so that has been interesting in terms of nursing him. He's definitely bitten me, so we're working on that.
I was reminded at church yesterday how much of a blessing Curtis is. It's very easy in the mundane routines of life to forget that. When we pretty much do the same thing, day in and day out, waking up earlier than anyone ever should, getting up during the night, having to plan any outings around nap time and praying he doesn't completely break down and start screaming where ever we do end up going. All of those things are worth it. I look at my sweet baby boy with his curious eyes, wanting to be in everything and know all that's going on and I know that I couldn't be any more blessed. Every day, even in the routine, is an adventure with him. I wouldn't trade the sleepless nights, and days spent having to hold him all day so he doesn't scream for anything. I don't wish for an easier baby because that's not what God gave me. God gave me my loud little boy who is all boy and I love every day that I get to watch him discover this world.
On another note, we just got home yesterday from spending a few days in NC with family. It was such a great few days! We spent one day with our friends, Juan and Brenna and their sweet girls at Old Salem. I did their first family of 4 photo shoot and will be putting those pictures up hopefully by the end of this week. We got to see Grandma Creed and Curtis just seemed to love her and it's always great to see her face light up when she sees him. We got to spend tons of time with Jonathan, Melissa and their girls, babysitting and letting cousins have their play time together :) We went shooting at Jonathan's house and I finally got to shoot Isaac's AR-15, which was tons of fun! The weekend was filled with sweet memories and I'm so thankful for our time there before Isaac's schedule becomes crazy busy next week.
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