Friday, May 2, 2014

Happy Half Birthday, Baby!!

Today, Curtis is 6 months old. It doesn't hardly seem possible that a whole half year has gone by with our sweet baby in this world. Every day with him is an adventure, every outing is an adventure. And I love every minute of it.
So many things have changed with him this past month. He has begun rolling over, so we've had to stop swaddling him to go to sleep. The first night went horribly, but since then, it's almost as if he were never swaddled; he sleeps just like he always did. He's finally begun sleeping better most nights in his crib. I think he's getting used to having all that space. He's still not sleeping through the night most nights, but last night, he did, and it was wonderful! We woke up at 5:30 this morning and it felt so good to get that much sleep. I never thought I would be excited to sleep till 5:30, but after waking up atleast twice a night almost every night, that was the best sleep ever!
Last night, we began the journey of trying solid foods. I gave him some peas, and his reaction was priceless. The taste of them made his whole body twitch and his face scrunch up. Needless to say, he was not a fan. I tried to put some cinnamon in them to make it taste better, but I think he was already ruined on them. We'll try again tonight, but I'm not anticipating that it will go much better. He will eat a pretty big bowl of oatmeal, so if the peas don't work, at least I can resort back to that.
The one other big change this past month is that he's really begun entertaining himself more. I've been able to put him down for as long as a half hour to get some housework done or have my morning cup of coffee without him completely breaking down, so that has made my day much better.
Here's a few pictures from the last month:

This was the best 6 month picture I could get. Curtis just wasn't really interested in cooperating or giving me a smile for this picture. We tried a few different times, but he just wasn't having it.

There are a few of the others that I just though were funny because it shows he just really did not want me taking his picture :)

Ready for church this past Sunday

A few from his 6 month mini photo shoot. Again, he really didn't wanna give me a smile

I looked up from making dinner last night and found Isaac and Curtis cuddling on the floor. The sight was too sweet to not capture it on film.

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