I don't usually do book reviews or anything other than share about our life here in Va Beach, but as my passion for unborn life and seeing the genocide of abortion stopped increases, that may change some.
Many of you know, I volunteer at the Keim Center in Virginia Beach, one of the crisis pregnancy centers here in Tidewater. Before I began volunteering, I knew abortion was wrong. I knew it was a horrible thing, I knew it should be illegal, but I didn't know how to talk about it, I didn't know facts about it or any specifics other than a baby was killed in the process. Since I've learned about it, since I've taken classes, since I've learned how to counsel women, pray for women, and love women through the decision of whether to abort or choose life, my understanding of this war is much greater and my desire to see victory in this war is much greater.
When I look at abortion facts, the thousands and thousands of abortions performed every year, and the greatest reason for abortion being that having a baby would dramatically change their lives (74% in 2004 taken from the guttmacher website), definitely not rape or incest(1.5% taken from the same website) it saddens my heart to see that we as a culture are so blind when companies like Planned Parenthood say things like their goal is to make abortion safe and rare and that they really exist to help women and to love women.
This book, Unplanned is a book that both pro-life and pro-choice people should read. It's the memoir of a woman, Abby Johnson, who was the Director of Planned Parenthood in Bryan, Texas. Johnson was deceived, like many Americans, into thinking that Planned Parenthood existed to help women have safe and affordable health care, and to make abortion a rare thing in this country. In this book, she recounts her journey to learning the truth about the company that she gave 8 years of her life to. She starts off with the event that God used to show her the truth, assisting with an ultrasound guided abortion. For those of you who don't know what that is, it's a procedure that is "suppose" to make abortion safer and have less complications. Most abortion facilities do not use this method as it is very costly to do any ultrasound. She describes in great detail what she sees on the ultrasound screen as the suction cannula moves towards the baby. The baby jerks and trys to get away. She describes what it looks like to see every piece of the baby sucked away into a tube and she describes how her eyes were open for the first time that day.
Later on in the book, she describes how her eyes were open to the fact that the only thing Planned Parenthood was really concerned about was the bottom line. As there numbers creeped more and more toward the red, their goal became one thing: to increase their money maker procedure. The only true revenue Planned Parenthood has is in abortions. Maybe when the company started out, their goal was for good, for women to have affordable health care, but that is not the case today. Not when every day of the week except Sunday, a woman can get an abortion for any reason, even the reason being that the couple doesn't want a girl. Their purpose is not to make abortion rare, not when the Planned Parenthood in Va Beach just built a 13000 sq ft building with 2 surgical suites in hopes that one day they can do late-term abortions. They don't care about women when they are not adequately counselling them on the procedure that is about to change their lives. So many women come to us having no clue as to what has happened to their bodies during the previous abortions they have had. Planned Parenthood is not for the good of women, and keeping abortion on demand is not for the good of women.
I know there are many differing opinions on this subject. From it should be illegal, to only for rape/incest/life of the mother, only 1st trimester to any woman should be able to have an abortion from week one to week 40. But listen to me, don't discount this book just because you are pro-choice. Remember that part of being pro-choice is that 2 of the choices women have are to parent and to adopt. I highly recommend this book no matter where you fall on the spectrum, if for no other reason, than just to learn a little more about Planned Parenthood and what they stand for.
Over the next few months, I'm going to try and do a series of posts on abortion among my normal posts. Again, if you are pro-choice, I invite you to read and share your opinion if you feel so inclined, but don't discount this as just another pro-life rant. Read with an open opinion before judging what I write, that's all I ask.
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