Our first few days in Key West were spent in a down pour of rain, so much so that the roads flooded, which were kind of fun to drive through. We were still able to go out some and enjoy some wonderful restraunts and a fun little coffee shop where Isaac tried to teach me how to play chess. he definately dominated so we then played scrabble so I could beat him. It was a fun afternoon. When the sun finally began to come out we ventured again to our favorite breakfast place, Pepe's. The food was so good, they always had some type of french toast, which is one of my favorites, and some type of omlet, which is one of Isaac's favorites. AND they had the best coffee, it was so good and right up there with the other country coffee we've both tried. One thing about the restraunt was we always ate outside, where the birds enjoyed trying to streal our sugar packets...probably not the best thing to be eating with the birds...but it was very entertaining.

I always enjoy trying to take pictures of Isaac, but he on the other hand hates me taking pictures of him. Most of the pictures I take consist of him either sticking his tongue out or hiding his face. Every now and then he'll give me a nice smile, but this was not one of those times. I think after this one, I stopped taking pictures for a little while...just till he was done eating...

After breakfast on the first day the sun came out, so we decided to take a walk. I had seen this tree earlier during the week and really wanted to find it and take some pictures. It was huge and had all the different branches and vines going through it. It fascinated me, so we set out to find the tree, luckily, Isaac humored me till we found it.

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