Thanksgiving week for us was a busy week. First, some of our best friends from Charleston cameto visit so they could look for a house. They were our first overnight guests, it was a lot of fun! I was able to see and play with my goddaughter some, and catch up with Vic. I also got to go along with them on their house hunt and see a lot more of my new home city than what I'd been able to explore before.
Thanksgiving was also a wonderful day for us. Isaac had the day off (his first holiday off all year, i think) so we didn't plan a lot, cause it was also his only day off that week. We slept late, he cooked french toast for breakfast, then we started making food dinner that night. Yes, I said we...I love that I have a husband who likes to cook and is more than willing to help out in the kitchen :). He introduced me to some of his family food traditions, his chicken spread and cranberry mold. I was very skeptical of both. The chicken spread smelled like tuna, so I had to get over that, but once I tried it, I was very surprised that I like it a lot. The cranberry mold...not so much, but we have some improvements to make on it for Chrsitmas. We were also able to have some of Isaac's friends over for dessert. It was a lot of fun getting to have his friend's over and meeting some new peope!
This is the chicken spread that Isaac loves so doesn't look great here, but it was actually really good and we've eaten off of it all week.

This is Isaac's normal look in pictures, he absolutely hates being in pictures, but every now and then he will humor me
Here is our pumpkin pie for the holiday. It was my first ever that I've cooked. I used My mother-in-law's recipe and it was absolutely wonderful :) I'm looking forward to hopefully making it again next year
Saturday afternoon, we were able to decorate our house for Christmas. It was a lot of fun to finally be able to do this with someone. Last year, it just wasn't quiete the same to decorate my apartment, by myself, so having Isaac to help was wonderful. I was so surprised, he was in a decent picture mood and actually smiled for this one.
And he even posed for this one...
Isaac was real proud of our mantel, he had fun figuring out where to put the snowmen. The right side was his side that he decorated.
Here's the finished product of our tree. We got the tree from Grandma Creed's. I've used it the past 2 years, and love having such a cute little tree. I also love that Isaac wanted to use the colored lights on the tree, I like colors better than plain for the tree.
The next 2 pictures were taken by Vic. My camera was hijacked while I slept. On their way back from Jersey, they stopped in to sleep, getting to our house around midnightish. Isaac and I had been asleep for atleast 2 hours when they got there and wouldn't have even known they were there had it not been for the pictures she took and the extra shoes in our foyer when we got up that morning. I can't wait till they are up here permanently and I get to see this sweet little face a few times a week :)