Tomorrow, Jacob turns 6 months old. We've had 3 little ones now for half a year. It's hard to remember our life before Jacob because he just fits in perfectly. I love how God does that, he knits us all together, makes us a family without us even noticing it's happening. This past month is no exception to that. One of my most favorite things, recently, is how much the older boys love Jacob. Any time Jacob is fussy, Curtis likes to stand in front of him, play peek-a-boo with him, or make silly sounds/faces. He reads to him, sings to him. He's such an amazing big brother. Judah is as well. I can leave Judah playing on the floor with Jacob and come back to Judah laying in front of him or beside him, talking to him, loving on him. I love watching them when they don't know that I am because it's so awesome to see how they are becoming brothers.
Jacob has had a big month. We now have 3 teeth. He's started sleeping through most of the night now. He's trying his hardest to crawl, I think it'll be in the next few days that it happens. He's begun eating some cereal and last night tried sweet potatoes. And the biggest deal, he stayed in the nursery on Sunday. It's the first time I've left him since he was just a few weeks old. I was nervous, checking my phone every few minutes to see if I had a text to go get him, but I didn't. He did great and had fun. It's so nice to know that I can now leave him for a little while and he is ok. I'm hoping this will translate into me being able to go for a run several mornings a week once it starts to lighten up again, because I am really looking forward to getting back to running.
Here's a few pictures from our month.
Jacob loves Baxter and Baxter is so good with him. I love watching them play together
Jacob loves his excersaucer. He hangs out in it while I'm cooking, and during meal times. He's finally really learning how to play with it and bounce in it.
The boys had so much fun playing in the snow. It's so nice Isaac has a job that let him work at home so he could play with the boys in between calls.