Friday, December 1, 2017

Jacob is 4 Months

Jacob turned 4 months old today. Like always, it's been a month of changes. Just when things seem to get figured out, they change and we learn to adapt, and then it happens all over again. This month, I have adapted to being up about every 2-3 hours during the night. At first, I thought it was teething or a growth spurt, but then just realized that's his schedule for now. It was like this with Curtis and Judah too. I just keep telling myself I will get to sleep eventually, one day when the boys are older :) I really look forward to that day. For now, I get up with him, snuggle him, nurse him, fall asleep watching whatever show on Netflix and then rewind it when I realize I've missed half of it, then repeat about 2 hours later. Thankfully, the older boys usually sleep through the night, although Judah has learned he can get out of bed and around 4 most mornings, we hear him at the gate in his room wanting to watch tv. This morning, I think I put him back in bed 3 or 4 times before he went back to sleep, hopefully he'll be out of that habit soon. 
The most fun about Jacob this month is how smiley and talkative he is. He smiles with his whole body, his face lights up, he legs kick and his arms flail. He gets so excited when he sees Isaac on FaceTime. Some nights when Isaac is gone and Jacob is fussy, all I have to do is call him and Jacob calms down. For the most part, Jacob is a calm baby. He just sits back and watches the chaos of our life. He seems to really like how loud it is, has a calming effect on him. He loves to be outside and I've learned that I can put him in his chair, sit him outside and he'll hang out for quite a while so I can get some work done. I'm sure things will all change again, but for now, I am loving this stage of his life.
Here's a few pictures of our month, Thanksgiving at my mom's, decorating and re-decorating the Christmas tree, and 4 month pictures. 

Judah is super excited for the "big muffin", the panetone bread that we used for French Toast

 Isaac is singing his less creepy version of Rock a Bye Baby to Jacob

This is our norm for now, and I'm having to learn to be ok with it. They re-decorate the tree every time they see it.

He's pretty fascinated with the lights

 This picture is curtesy of Jacob being awake around 5, not wanting to go back to sleep, so why not take advantage of the dark and get some cute Christmas light pictures?

 I love this smile! It makes the hard days and sleepless nights worth it :)