We've kept baby number 3 alive for 1 month so far :) It's been a challenging month, although made much easier by having my mom here so much. It's been fun getting to know the newest addition to our family and getting to see how Curtis and Judah interact with him and how they are learning to love him. Both their reactions are different, but it's clear they will one day have a great bond with Jacob just as they do with each other. Curtis shows no animosity towards Jacob at all. He gets so excited when Jacob's eyes are open and he can see Jacob looking in his direction. He always exclaims "Jacob loves me!" because he thinks Jacob is looking right at him, which he probably is starting to do. He loves to give Jacob hugs and kisses, always tells me when he hears Jacob crying and likes to remind me that those cries mean he's hungry. Judah still has some difficulty with not being the baby anymore, but he still is showing he loves Jacob. He likes to help me pat his back to put him to sleep, and also loves to give kisses and hugs. He asks if Jacob can build something with him or read books, not quite understanding Jacob can't play with him yet. One day, they will all be good friends.
Jacob is doing well, weighed in at 10lbs 2 ozs at his 1 month check up. He loves to eat and does it often while awake. Some nights he lets us sleep, and some nights he is really restless and wants to be held all night. He definitely sleeps better on his belly so I'm looking forward to when he can turn over on his own so we can start putting him on his belly at night. I think that is when we will start sleeping a little more. He's beginning to be content being put down some while awake, which is really nice, to give my arms a break. He likes his little play mat and is beginning to like his swing. When he's on his mat, Curtis and Judah like to try and play with him, shaking toys in front of his face, giving him his pacifier. He naps really well most of the time, which has been nice to keep up with housework. He actually takes a pacifier, which is different than both his brothers, so I'm hoping that will eventually help with sleep as well. He seems to be a much calmer baby so far, but I know that means nothing for the future, a boy is still a boy and Judah was a fairly calm baby, then he turned out to be my wild child.
This month has been a great month, a month of difficulty and much blessing. We've seen God working in our marriage and our family. God is using all of these experiences to draw me closer to him and show me how much I need him to get through the days. There's nothing like having a newborn to remind me how much I rely on God. When I've gotten little sleep and all 3 children are crying, God is showing me how to slow down and have patience, although it's a learning curve, the patience doesn't always happen. There's been a lot of apologizing to Curtis and Judah on my part for my lack of patience. We've been blessed with mom and dad coming often to help with the boys so I can have time to bond with Jacob. We've gotten to spend some good time with some of our best friends and we've found a church who's kindness and generosity are astounding but much appreciated. This next month will be challenging as Isaac will be travelling quite a bit, but thankfully I have mom to help some and other friends who will come visit. I'm looking forward to seeing what changes this next month brings with Jacob.
I have my traditional monthly pictures of Jacob. This is the only one I got where he wasn't screaming
We went to Lucy's School Party a few weeks after Jacob was born. It was a lot of fun, we love Perez parties :) And loved celebrating with Lucy!
Curtis is pretty infatuated with Lucy. He followed her around everywhere.
They all loved Baby Jacob
Possibly one of my most favorite pictures I've taken of Brenna
Sweet sleeping baby, he does like his belly much more than his back...I'm that mom
One of Papa's most favorite things
Isaac went out of town for a few days, the boys helped me make gingersnaps for his return
Spending the morning with Yaya drawing on their whiteboards
I have a similar picture like this of Curtis around the same age, it must be a 2 year old thing
Wide eyed and covered in spit up
The best daddy ever
Will double fisting the pepperonis
So thankful for this sweet friend driving down for a visit. Jess time was much needed. We had so much fun catching up and I loved watching to boys play. Hopefully in years to come, they will become good friends
Judah wasn't feeling good, so he needed a little rest by the tree