Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there!! It's not an easy job, this motherhood thing. As I ease back into my role as stay-at-home mom/homemaker from working mom, I am daily reminded of how not easy it is to be a mom. But, I wouldn't trade it for anything. The vomiting and loss of appetite, the extreme fatigue, the heartburn, the not being able to move like a normal person, the anticipation of labor, the epidural, the labor, delivery and recovery, the post partum depression, the sleepless nights, the crying and screaming, I wouldn't take back any of it because it means that I have 2 of the most amazing little boys and about to have a 3rd. I am in awe some days that God has entrusted me to help raise up 3 boys in the next generation of men who will know Him, love Him, serve Him and by serving Him, will serve the world around them. I love watching these littles grow up, watching their curiosity, answering their questions, watching as they learn compassion and kindness and slowly are learning that they are not the center of the universe but that other people matter too. I am so thankful each day to get to take care of them, make meals for them, teach them. The days are hard, some are tedious, some are frustrating, but if I'm seeking God, he shows me Himself in these difficult days and how he is working through me and through my boys. I am so thankful to have this wonderful job of being a mom.
I can't forget about my amazing husband this Mother's Day. He never ceases to make me feel special, not just today, but everyday. He has such a servant's heart, especially during these difficult months of pregnancy. I am so thankful God blessed me with him to walk through this life with!