Last week we celebrated Curtis' birthday party. I love that his birthday falls around Halloween so the kids get to wear their Halloween costumes, such a great built in theme :) We had a lot of fun celebrating our sweet boy!
Curtis enjoying his cupcake batter after helping me make his cupcakes
Curtis loved being The Flash
Judah loves being T-rex
Jeremiah is one of Curtis' favorite people. It's a lot of fun watching them play together.
This is one of Judah's favorite places
Alice is one of Curtis' other favorite people :)
Curtis got some Curious George books and immediately started reading them.
Curtis got a little sad, this is what made him happy.
We realized Curtis is definitely ready for a toy gun, he had so much fun playing with Jeremiah's
A sweet group picture, The closest to them looking, it's kind of hard with 5 kids.
The one good picture where we were all looking
The real life picture