Today is Judah's first birthday. We've officially survived one year of being a family of 4 (and some days I'm shocked that we've made it this far). This kid keeps me on my toes more than what I ever thought a one year old could do. When Curtis turned 1, I was already pregnant with Judah and I think God just gave me extra grace with having a child that wasn't constantly into everything and could be entertained by putting him in his pack and play in front of the TV for a while so I could rest. Things are very different with Judah. Like I said, into everything, and always moving. That pack and play thing only works for a minute or 2 before he's ready to be out and playing again. But it's fun watching him learn and discover new things. Fun watching him test his limits. I watched him walk down then steps in Curtis' room today, grabbing on to the rails, moving his little feet until they have just the right place to go, watching his excited face every time he made it to the bottom, it was a lot of fun, and nerve wracking, but I'm having to learn to get over that with Judah. He is my little dare devil, even more so that Curtis, which I didn't think was possible. Curtis is a cautious dare devil. He only does things when he knows I am there to get him out of whatever situation he's stuck in. And maybe Judah will eventually be like that when he's more aware of himself, but for now, adventure, exploring and risk taking are his life. Turning my back for a few seconds to scramble an egg, or put coffee on or throw something in the trash usually means he's crawled up on the end table or the kitchen table before I turn back around. We are spending a lot of our days in Curtis' room lately due to this, because he can be contained in there. I'm looking forward to when the rain stops so we can spend our days outside where he can climb and explore all he wants.
A year ago, I was just finding out how much my heart could love. I think every mom of a second baby wonders if her heart could possibly love a second child as much as the first, and it's been wonderful finding that out. He is so very different than Curtis but I love him just the same. It's been so wonderful this past year watching them, seeing their friendship begin, seeing them begin to play and get in trouble together. I know one day, I might not like that so much, but I love that they will always be best friends, will always have each other to count on. I pray that God will continue to grow that friendship.
So I officially don't have an infant anymore, but not quite a toddler, at least for a few more weeks. It's been a wonderful year and I am looking forward to many more to see the boy and eventual man Judah will grow to be.
A few birthday pictures