I heard once that in adulthood, if you have a good friend, or best friend for longer than 5 years, they will remain your best friend all through life. I am a very blessed woman because I don't just have one of those. God has blessed me with 3 friends who I keep in touch with, talk with frequently and get to visit with every few months. These are women who, no matter where I live, or what's going on in our lives, I know I can always count on them and they will always be my best friends.
One of those lady's is Jess. We met almost 11 years ago in freshmen orientation. I'm pretty sure God had her there just for me. We were both in the nursing learning community, and became best friends through living in the same dorm and taking several classes together. Then she decided she didn't want to be a nurse and completely changed majors. But our friendship was already there, and God allowed us to stick together even after that. 11 years later, we're both married and have kids and live in different states but she is still one of my most favorite people and one of my very best friends.
Visiting her was such a nice little get away. Usually Curtis does not do well travelling, so going anywhere is very stressful and without Isaac, I actually don't enjoy it at all. But Curtis did well, he ate, he slept, and he loved on Jess' little one, Will, which was unexpected and very appreciated because I was afraid he'd bully him like he tends to do. We got to catch up on life and watch our littles become friends. I can't think of a better way to spend an afternoon and morning, than with my best friend and her kid sharing a cup of coffee and chasing the littles around.
We also had a nice little treat of all 3 kids being asleep by around 7 and we got to enjoy dinner and conversation kid free. I never get to do things with other adults kid free, so that was much needed and a wonderful break.
I hate that we live so far away, but 3 hours really isn't bad, so I am thankful for getting to see each other every few months when she is out of school.
Here's a few pictures from our time.
Having fun playing on Aunt Jess' bed, jumping and crawling/falling off
Becoming friends
Such a brave and fearless little boy
A little bit of wrestling
Some mirror fun
Judah left Will a spoon on the floor
Getting in to some mischief together
He loves that monkey
Aunt Jess has such a good kid house