I have survived half a year with 2 kids under 2 years old. When we first started on this journey, I'll be honest, I wasn't sure we would make it. I mean, I knew, obviously, we would, but in the midst of crying and sleepless nights and temper tantrums and never being able to to put Judah down, I wasn't sure for a while. But after several months, I finally feel like I'm not treading water to stay afloat most days. Most days, the boys nap and about half the time, Curtis takes his 1 nap a day when Judah is taking one of his. Most days, it's nice outside, so we can go out and play and Curtis can run and jump and explore and get some of that energy out and he's happy. Judah loves being out too and will almost always calm down if taken outside (unless a balloon pops, he doesn't like that). Most days, Curtis will sleep till 6:30 or 7:00 which gives me time with just Judah and sometimes even gives me time to put Judah back down to finish out his night of sleeping before I have to go get Curtis. So most days, not all, but most, are not too bad. Do I wish I got more sleep? Yes. Do I wish I had a little more time to myself where I'm not scrambling to clean or cook while the boys are sleeping? Yes. But that is life, and I do love this little life God has given me with my boys. I love Judah's happy smiles he gives pretty much everyone he meets. I love his little babbles and bubbles and jumps and squeals. I love that Curtis not just says "Hi" and "Bu Bye!" but shouts it excitedly to everyone he sees. I love watching Curtis discover new things and learn new words. I love the sweet spirit God has given my 2 boys.
More about Judah since this is his blog day:
He seems to be picking up on things quicker than what Curtis did. I'm not sure if it's because he is watching Curtis and wants to try and keep up with him, or if Curtis was just a little slower due to being 5 weeks early, or if that's just Judah's personality. But either way, he has been sitting up on his own for a week or 2 now. He is trying so hard to crawl. Today, I noticed he has a little army crawl going on that I'm sure will turn in to an actual crawl very soon. He can almost go from on his belly to sitting up, but not quite yet. He is beginning to eat food, and seems to like peas with mint and tonight he enjoyed pumpkin. Avocado is not his favorite, but I will keep trying with that. He has 2 teeth and I think is beginning to teeth another one, but we're not to the difficult stage of that yet, just the drooly stage. He's back to waking up only once most nights, but he usually wakes up between 5:30 and 6 and is ready to be up for a while, which means that's when my day starts. Most of the time he is very happy and chill. I can set him down and he plays very well. I don't have to hold him or entertain him all the time. I'm very thankful for that because it allows me to still give attention to Curtis and he has become more clingy lately so I'm having to learn to balance that.
I'm looking forward to these next 6 months to see how he grows and changes. I remember with Curtis, once he started crawling, life just wasn't the same. I'm sure it'll be the same with Judah and I'm excited for that next stage.