This week, I made it to the 36 week mark. I have officially been pregnant a week more than I was with Curtis and my body feels every bit of it. I talked to my midwife this week, concerned that I was growing another giant baby as I feel like Judah is much bigger and she assured me that it's just because I've never been this pregnant, but Judah is just fine. I have just a few more days to go till I am full term, 37 weeks. That has been my goal for the last few weeks. It was originally 35 weeks, but thankfully, God brought us through that.
We are looking so forward to meeting this baby. And I'll be honest, I am looking forward to not being pregnant anymore. I love my kids, and we plan on having more after this, but being pregnant with an 18 month old running around who doesn't understand that every time he crawls up on me and pushes on my belly, he's hurting me, or can't understand that when he tries to sit in my lap, but can't cuddle up to me because my belly is in the way, he gets upset. And when our child gets upset, he is really upset. He's a child that has to feel what he's feeling if that makes sense. He doesn't usually want to be comforted, he'd prefer to scream on the floor for a few minutes before being picked up or distracted with something else. That's something I've learned about him in the last few weeks, although it could be that he realizes he can't cuddle up to me easily, I don't know. But, needless to say, I am looking forward to being able to comfortably hold both my boys, comfortably cuddle with both my boys and be able to chase Curtis around and play with him again.
There are several things God is teaching me, though, with being pregnant and having a toddler. The biggest one is that I don't have to be Super Mom. Yes, there are things I prefer doing, ways I prefer doing things as a mom, but I've learned that sometimes, I have to give up my preferences out of necessity and my sanity. I've learned that it's ok to spend an afternoon watching Curious George, especially if I didn't sleep the night before, because by that time, I literally can't function to chase him from room to room. I've learned that at this point, it's ok if he eats a banana and peanut butter or apple and peanut butter or PB and J, or PB and crackers (sensing a theme here?) at every meal because at least he's eating something. I've learned that it's ok to let him cry sometimes, especially at nap time when I either feel like I'm going to pass out because I haven't eaten yet, or just can't hold my pregnant bladder anymore and I've learned that once I leave his room, he always gets over it, settles down and goes to sleep. I'm thankful God is showing me these things, helping me feel a little more prepared for when Judah comes and I just won't be able to worry about the same things anymore because life will just be too busy for that.
The other amazing thing God is teaching me is how amazing of a husband I have. I already knew that, but I'm seeing it on a much greater scale than what I once did. Pregnancy, and being much more dependent on someone can do that. Isaac insists, on a daily basis that I take a break, get some rests, take care of myself and of Judah. He knows that with his work schedule, that can almost be impossible some days, but when he's home, he makes every effort he can to help me with that. He entertains Curtis so I can sit and just enjoy. He lets me lay down and rest if I'm in a lot of pain or not feeling well. He understands that after a long day of taking care of Curtis, I need a break, and he takes Curtis upstairs to play so I can cook in peace. He often sacrifices his sleep to put Curtis back to sleep so that I can rest at night. There's so many other countless things he does that I am so thankful for and very grateful that God is using this pregnancy to remind me daily of the blessing he gave me in my husband.
So anyway, that's what's going on for 36weeks. I do have some really cute new pictures of Curtis, but I will put them up later and talk about the fun updates with him then because he is growing and changing so much, but for now, my 36 week belly in one of the 5 shirts that I have to fit me :)
(If I go much longer, that number may go down to 0)